YEAH BAAAAABY!!!!!!!!! I can control permissions ON EACH AND EVERY PAGE!!!!!!!! HOLY AWESOME BATMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is basically my green light and go ahead. Prepare yourself, World, because this is going to be... Spectacular...
So I'm here watching Jiggers play MarioCart while he thinks about how awesome it would be to watch a midget fight, or a roller derby. He's pushing for the midget fight so far... I'm a little worried, because he calls ME a midget. He also chose the lamest car ever and is laughing as he fails epically. Even his epic fail in MarioCart is better than my sweet success.
Jiggers: "You know how much I think of you, Toad and odorF? It it wasn't sold out, I'd take you to see that midget fight."
odorF: "Gee, thanks..."
Jiggers:"Sure, it's unethical, but it sounds like a great time."
More quotes, because he's just too funny:
Jiggers:"Hello, toad (mariocart toad, not me), welcome to the Broccoli show of North America... heh heh heh heh"
"Toad, you want to know what's unique about this?"
"I'm baby Luigi in the cheap charger at the Coconut Mall on 50cc without any items!"
Do all of you want to know what's really unique? He won. And he's chuckling.
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