
Thoughts from Quotes

"Think of what is within your power if you but live so that you may invoke the power which is within you."
~J Reuban Clark

"We become what we want to be by consistently being what we want to become each day."
~Richard G Scott

I've been thinking about these things a lot.  It seems like so often, we end up fearing ourselves.  I'll speak from experience, there have been times in my life where I've looked at my life and worried that I would make a mistake.  I mean, there are scary things all around us in this world.  For instance, there are possibilities that my next dance performance could stink.  Maybe that's not a good connection, because so few people understand Irish Dance that it's really not that scary to go up and ad-lib if all falls apart...  How's this, next time I play the piano for Institute, it's entirely possible that I'll goof it up and feel really uncomfortable.  Totally plausible.  But does that stop me?  Depends on the day... ;)  haha
But seriously, if I want to be able to accompany my Institute class in the hymns, I need to be willing to do it.  By doing, I am able.  If I know I can play the piano, but fear the possibility of making a mistake, then fear will stop me from being who I already am.

Here's another quote I have on my wall from Girls' Camp about 5 years ago:
"As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.  As we are liberated from our fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
~Marianne Williamson

I'm grateful for the opportunities to make breakfast at Institute with the awesome Service committee, to plan FHE activities, teach dance, organize performances, perform, program websites, play the piano, learn Drupal, garden, sew, and do the things I love to do, because they are awesome opportunities for growth.  These things are comparatively small, but seem huge to me.  With some of these no-one can see when I make a mistake.  Others it's sometimes painfully obvious.  I'm normally not scared when no-one can see me, because I know I'll just jump right back up and give it another go.  But when people are around watching...  It increases the difficulty for me.  I think "Oh jeepers, they already saw me epically fail once, why should I even try?"  I want to learn to silence that thought.  I love the people around me, but I want to learn to just care what I think about myself at the end of the day.  Because I've started to learn at the end of the day, it's what you and Heavenly Father think about yourself that really matters.
Can you be happy with yourself at the end of the day if you didn't do something because of what the people around you thought?  I can't really.  Though I admit, sometimes I just don't care.  Take Ultimate Frisbee for example.  I've epically failed at that basically every time I've tried to play it, but I still do it 'cuz I think it's fun to try!  So yeah.  I have no idea what that has to do with anything.

Anyways, jump up and do something fun.  Try something new, whether or not you're good at it.  Become who you already are, and see your potential.

Holy cow, I think I almost said something wise!


  1. You said many wise things! Thanks for putting that up there; it's true, sometimes hard, but definitely worth it!
