

Has anyone besides me noticed how gorgeous the colors are this winter?  I don't think I've ever seen a more colorful winter.  I know that sounds weird, but the browns are browner, the greens are greener, and that gross brownish grey color doesn't seem to be seen anywhere I look.  I'm looking at my Grandparent's backyard as I write this, and they have this tree filled with maroon berries and a few trees with some deep orange leaves.  All are such darkly saturated colors, it's gorgeous!!!  While I love and adore snow, this rain makes everything look magical in a different way, and I love it!!
It's totally unique.  I don't remember a winter ever looking like this!  I wish I could capture it with a camera, but the cameras don't seem to do it justice.  Neither does this post.  haha... Oh well!  It's so funny too, because this morning I spotted some blue sky, and I thought that was a little depressing, but decided to roll with it, then suddenly out of nowhere all this rain began pelting outside!  It was fantastic!
Anyways, I love colors.  Just for the record, we had some amazing Sunsets this year too, some of the coolest I've ever seen!

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