

Okay, so pretty much, I think blogging is strange. Quite frankly, I don't even read my blogs, so I don't think anyone else will want to. FACE IT, MY ENTIRES ARE BORING!!!!!!!!! My problem is, I sorta need stuff to respond to make it good, with the exception of my journal. And that's only fun to read 'cuz I know hopefully no-one but myself will ever read it! hahaha :D Oh well.
By the way, Twitter is stranger than blogging. I tried to get stuff all uploaded and whatnot, it took all day and bored me to pieces, as well as annoyed me. And I haven't "tweeted" for myself since... which I'm actually okay with! I only got it so I could follow Glenn Beck anyways, so yeah. I guess it's serving its purpose.
I had a homework assignment on Friday which took..........f......o.......r......e...v.....e......r.............. not even joking, I almost quit. And if you know me, I don't really DO that. So it was intense... and I'm really glad it's done!!! I had to research RAM from the beginning of the development of a platform to the present day, and they didn't seem to have a lot of that rather important information. I finally found it all though, which was a happy thing. Well, I'm getting a letter ready to be sent off to Buffalo Gal, so I'm going to continue. Tonight we got to play Dominos with my Grandparents and my Aunt, it was totally fun!! I got the best score I've had in a looooooong time, it was 39 after like, 4 games, so believe it or not, that was really good.
kk, signing off!


  1. well here i am,toady,!!!!!
    i set you an email on the idi one,so check it out.i am ajusting to my web domain and is fun!i will say this in the email,but am saying it for all to hear I AM LEARNING TO DRIVE!!!!!!!!!!!
    love me ,
    buffalo gal
    ps have not commented NOT cause no like you , but for tec. reasons:)

  2. yay!!!

    give hugs to all @ idi(yes,even carsten)

    Driving?!?!?!?! Wow! So do you have a blog? Eh?

  4. Oi. You said entires instead of entries.
    Just so ya know... :-P

    And of course this is Spencer because he gets on here and checks your spelling. While making nachos. Talking of which you need to actually watch Nacho Libre.

