

One of the first games I played with my son, is "who does he look like?" :D everyone plays this game with babies, because it's just a lot of fun! I've noticed my baby has a widow's peak, like mine, and a TON of cow licks, like my hair, and he has my husband's eyes and my facial expressions. He couldn't possibly be more handsome! As I looked at all those cow licks on his head, I thought to myself, "Oh no, I have passed on something truly terrible. I am so sorry." Because I haven't enjoyed MY cow licks. They complicate hair-styling and encourage bed head and bad hair days! Then I stopped, and I looked at him again. Those cow licks were absolutely adorable on him! They're a part of him, they match him, and I was so happy that he had them! It dawned on me, what makes it different than myself? I look on my son with love, so much love! And when I look at myself, I see what can be improved. Why don't I look at my cow licks and think, "They're part of me, they match me, and I am so grateful to have them!"? Sure, I live with them, but why don't I love them?

My disgust for my own hair impaired me from loving my son's at first. It didn't stop me, but I had to let go of the feeling of dislike for my cow licks before I allowed myself to see the beauty of my baby's cow licks. 

My thoughts on this? When I love myself, I love others better. The Savior said, "Love thy neighbor as thyself." If everyone applied that in this day and age, there would be NO love. Everyone would walk around saying stuff like "Your nose is too big." Your hair is totally out of place." "You can't do anything right." Would you say that to a friend? A loved one? A random stranger on the street? NO! So go do yourself a favor. Next time you look in the mirror and see that your hair is totally where it shouldn't be, thank your hair for having a spirit of adventure, and be happy! Love yourself! Tell that inner critic to take a hike, and never come back! Remember that you are a child of God, and that He sees you the way I see my son, an amazing being of light and beauty!

I was thinking about this, because today I had a bad hair day, and I was spiraling into all these negative thoughts, one spawned another, and I had to stop it. :D hahaha so I did! Instead, I thought, AND I JOLLY WELL LOVE HAVING HAIR!!! In fact, I'm going to quit messing with it. I will let my hair do what it would like!  And here I am blogging about it. Some days are easier than other days to love yourself, but don't give up! You are lovable every day! 


General Conference, part 1

Every 6 months, the world has the opportunity to tune in and listen to living Prophets and Apostles!  Yes, just like in the days of old, they live today. And every 6 months, they speak to us in words that teach and testify of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. And there is nothing better than having the opportunity to listen to them and heed their council!


Elder Holland
Of course, his talk was one of my favorites! Stand for truth, stand for right. His talk was so amazing, I have a hard time paraphrasing it! What did it mean to me? Jesus Christ, our Master, has asked us to follow Him. It may not be popular, it may not be the latest style, it may seem old-fashioned, but be ready. Be prepared. Follow Him, with all the Christ-like love you can muster.

Sister Linda Reeves
What a kind and touching talk. She addressed the serious issue of Pornography, instructing us to not touch it, and what parents and teachers can do to support someone who is trying to repent, and turn away from it. She approached her topic with a sensitivity that really spoke to me.
We have been continually warned by our church leaders against the plague of pornography. I suppose some might argue that "it doesn't hurt anyone, so why should they care?" I'll tell you why!
I also saw Spirited Away this weekend! Fantastic movie - Kinda trippy. Near the beginning of the movie, the main character's parents somehow turn into Pigs, because they found food and ate like pigs, with no self-control. Don't ask me how this works, I just know it was an appropriate change for them. Pornography destroys self-control. Society at large is benefited by people who behave like people. Therefore, we should not be pigs.  Don't touch anything or even tamper with something that destroys your self-control, or gives away your ability to choose to another person, object, or habit.

Catching up!

Friends, family, and noblemen! Lend me your ear! Actually, never mind. I don't want them, I already have two! And we added two more to the family last Summer! 
Isn't he so cute? Indeed, yes he is! :D 
I found a fantastic app which allows me to post from my iPod!!! So exciting! It's nice, because I don't spend a lot of free time sitting at a computer anymore... Haha! But it's been a blast and a pretty steep learning curve adding this little guy to the family! 
You'll now see me or my husband or both of us leaving the house with what feels like all of our worldly possessions in the diaper backpack, a carseat on one arm, and possibly the stroller being rolled out to the car.  Indeed, parenthood is not for the faint of heart... Or weak of limb. Thankfully, babies don't start out as teenagers. That means I get to learn a piece at a time too! So awesome that Heavenly Father knows what he's doing! :D