Here is a post! Post rhymes with toast, but toast is not spelled tost. And post is not spelled poast. And I'm not a potato. Now that we have that out of the way...
I should really be studying for my math final. This is just my way of putting it off, 'cuz I really am not looking forward to having to take the final... but I am looking forward to BEING ALL DONE!!! So I should just do it so that way I can have fun and not worry about it for the rest of the week.
Okay, I'm all psyched up! I think I can do this now! And later, I get to design a WEBSITE!!! WOOHOOO!!! And read the 5000 year leap! Which, by the way, is an amazing AMAZING book!!!! I really am enjoying it! You should read it, you really should. Anyways, off I go to study.
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