
Huntington\Weiser Nov 2009 (78 photos), by Heidi Toad

I'd like to share my Snapfish photos with you. Once you have checked out my photos you can order prints and upload your own photos to share.
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* sigh *

As we get closer to David Tennant's last moments as the Doctor, I've become even more of a fangirl. This is one of my favorite videos of the Doctor and Rose...


Just 'cuz...


Procrastinate! Procrastinate! Procrastinate!

Here is a post! Post rhymes with toast, but toast is not spelled tost. And post is not spelled poast. And I'm not a potato. Now that we have that out of the way...
I should really be studying for my math final. This is just my way of putting it off, 'cuz I really am not looking forward to having to take the final... but I am looking forward to BEING ALL DONE!!! So I should just do it so that way I can have fun and not worry about it for the rest of the week.
Okay, I'm all psyched up! I think I can do this now! And later, I get to design a WEBSITE!!! WOOHOOO!!! And read the 5000 year leap! Which, by the way, is an amazing AMAZING book!!!! I really am enjoying it! You should read it, you really should. Anyways, off I go to study.