Okay, so pretty much, I think blogging is strange. Quite frankly, I don't even read my blogs, so I don't think anyone else will want to. FACE IT, MY ENTIRES ARE BORING!!!!!!!!! My problem is, I sorta need stuff to respond to make it good, with the exception of my journal. And that's only fun to read 'cuz I know hopefully no-one but myself will ever read it! hahaha :D Oh well.
By the way, Twitter is stranger than blogging. I tried to get stuff all uploaded and whatnot, it took all day and bored me to pieces, as well as annoyed me. And I haven't "tweeted" for myself since... which I'm actually okay with! I only got it so I could follow Glenn Beck anyways, so yeah. I guess it's serving its purpose.
I had a homework assignment on Friday which took..........f......o.......r......e...v.....e......r.............. not even joking, I almost quit. And if you know me, I don't really DO that. So it was intense... and I'm really glad it's done!!! I had to research RAM from the beginning of the development of a platform to the present day, and they didn't seem to have a lot of that rather important information. I finally found it all though, which was a happy thing. Well, I'm getting a letter ready to be sent off to Buffalo Gal, so I'm going to continue. Tonight we got to play Dominos with my Grandparents and my Aunt, it was totally fun!! I got the best score I've had in a looooooong time, it was 39 after like, 4 games, so believe it or not, that was really good.
kk, signing off!