
A post

This is a post!  I haven't posted for a while.  Now I just did.  And now it's time to write in my journal and go to bed!
I want to re-design my blog now...  must resist... must sleep...



Whenever I see the word ponderings, I think of Jeeves and Wooster where Bertie shoves the little brother of Anoria Glossop into the pond.  Bertie calls him imponderable.  Emphasis on the pond.  Anyways, I'm not in a pond, I have not been shoved into a pond, and I don't live in a pond.  Thank goodness that's out of the way...  :D
So we just started up Choir at the Institute!  Second week in, and the songs are already playing through my head!  It's fun too, because this year I have more confidence, can find the alto line more easily, and Odorf was teaching me about singing on the drive home last night, and I was able to feel like it was supposed to feel.  I was really excited!  That being said, I need practice. Lots and lots of practice.  But at least I did it once so I can know what it feels like!  I'm excited for next week!  :D
Another thing that I've been thinking about is the Dressing Your Truth system.  I LOVE IT.  I'm just going to tell about my experience with it, because I've been bottling it up inside of me, which means it has the tendency to explode in odd ways.  haha 
I've been dressing my truth as a type 1, and I've loved being so comfortable with who I am.  It shows on the outside who I am on the inside, and I don't have to worry about being myself, it just happens naturally!  It's great, because I feel like I'm more sensitive to people around me, like I could help them if they needed me or I wouldn't be afraid to ask for help.  I don't apologize for myself anymore, my words to describe myself have changed.  Instead of saying something like "Oh gee, I'm fat.  I need to eat less and exercise more."  I say something like "Don't I look oh so adorable today!" and I don't think about weight, and I've never felt healthier.  I love how my closet isn't a dull necessity, it's a fun place filled with super fun stuff!  A treasure cave instead of a broom closet.  Mirrors aren't my enemy anymore either, and I've been able to let go of so much worry in my life. 
So not only have I had a HUGE amount of fun, I really am loving the positive effect it's had on me!  Now that I understand myself so much better, I look forward to trying to understand the other types.  Which will be fun in my family with one Type 2, two Type 4s, and one more Type 1!  Not a lot of 3 in my family, although I'm pretty sure that's my secondary type...  but I really followed the Type 1 way of reading the book, which I laughed about since I didn't even know at first...  I was like OOOOH a book!  NO SHINY.  I skip, besides I understand this anyways, even though I skimmed it once.  Wait...  she just said what I did.  Psychic lady. 
:D So yeah, watching the online course or re-reading the book again is an order.
And yeah, I'm going to sleep now, I have committees in the morning!  And then graduation, where I get to wear a spiffy hat that makes me look like a turtle.  Woohoo.  AND THEN THE INSTITUTE SPECTACULAR!!!  Talk about fun!  :D  Anyways, life is awesome, I love it, and great stuff!